These superheroes, space rangers and monster-slayers have one common mission: inspiring young Native readers.
Sally Rooney's "Conversations with Friends" is the September pick for our book club in partnership with the New York Times.
British sculptor Andy Goldsworthy has long been known for his unconventional approach to art. In an ongoing project at Kansas…
Photographer Richard Ross has documented the U.S. juvenile justice system for the better part of a decade, producing the books…
A biographical film is delicate territory. Here are eight films that have avoided the pitfalls of an off-base biopic, according…
A solid female torso in a classical pose drips on its pedestal. A ghostly, white figure seems to melt while…
British artist Andy Goldsworthy gave the PBS NewsHour team the chance to see one of his now famous "rain shadows"…
Celeste Ng, author of "Little Fires Everywhere," and Maxine Hong Kingston, author of "The Woman Warrior," join Jeffrey Brown to…
"Conversations with Friends" is the debut novel from Irish novelist Sally Rooney, who has been dubbed the "first great millennial…
Visual artist Ruby Silvious had long repurposed everyday objects like egg and pistachio shells for her art projects. One day,…
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