While some Ukrainians are fighting on the frontlines in the war against Russia others have taken a different approach. Ukrainian…
Mike Cerre
Ukrainian folk band DakhaBrakha uses music to bring attention to the war in their homeland
Scientist-author Daniel Levitin on picking up music at an older age
Cognitive neuroscientist and author Daniel Levitin wrote a bestselling book, "Successful Aging," in which he gave plenty of tips on…
Former lawyer strives to make art accessible with Lego exhibitions
A merger of pop art and surrealism has created a stunning entry in the world of contemporary art. As special…
Artist Shimon Attie uses urban, contemporary inspirations to tell refugee stories
Artists have often used different media to draw attention to global events. In his recent work, Shimon Attie focuses on…
Inside the effort to make music that heals
The power of music to heal--or at the least, promote well-being--is acknowledged in many cultures. But only in the past…
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