Popular composer Burt Bacharach died Wednesday at the age of 94. The hit-maker won six Grammys, three Oscars and is…
Anne Azzi Davenport
Drew Lanham refers to himself as a 'rare bird.' The ornithologist, naturalist and writer says he believes conservation efforts must…
A new film is getting Oscar buzz for its standout acting performances and unusually deep exploration of sexual violence. Sarah…
In 1964, Martin Luther King, Jr. celebrated his Nobel Peace Prize with an embrace of his wife, Coretta. In Boston,…
Behind the glamor and acclaim of any successful musician, there always lurks an actual life filled with travails and challenges…
Poet Charles Simic died Monday at 84. He was a prolific writer, winner of the Pulitzer Prize, and served as…
A major American composer, with her own deeply American story to tell, is receiving recognition for a lifetime of work.…
Activists in Georgia are fighting to shine a spotlight on The Weeping Time, a little-known but very painful moment in…
With so many TV shows (on so many different platforms) to watch, what were this year's standouts?
It's been a very intriguing year for movies, with some big films getting a lot of attention, smaller ones searching…
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